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But I must explain to you how all this mistaken idea of denouncing pleasure and praising pain was born and I will give you a complete account of the system, and expound the actual teachings of the great explorer of the truth, the master-builder of human happiness. no one rejects, dislikes, or avoids pleasure itself, because it is


Ceilan Coir Products Export (Pvt) Ltd
No:722/2, Colombo Road, Kurana,
Negombo, Sri Lanka

Land Number : +94 (0) 31 228 1114
Mobile Number : +94 (0) 31 223 2720


    Frequently Asked Questions

    Cocopeat, which is also known as coir pith or coir dust, is a growing medium made from the fibrous husk of coconuts. It is a byproduct of the coconut business, specifically the removal of coconut fibers for various purposes. Cocopeat is widely used as a soil amendment and in potting mixtures. It has high water retention capabilities, making it suitable for both indoor and outdoor plants.

    Cocopeat can be re-used for several crop cycles while there are no signs of contamination, depending on the requirements of the plant and the grower’s preferences. However, cocopeat needs to be cleaned and reconditioned after each cycle to get rid of any accumulated debris and extra salts. Therefore, we advise monitoring the quality of coco peat over time and replacing it when it begins to degrade or lose its effectiveness.

    Coco Coir refers to the fibrous material derived from the outer husk of coconuts, and it is widely used in gardening for a variety of applications, including soil alternatives, hydroponics, and as a propagation medium for seedlings. Coco peat which is also known as coir pith or coir dust, specifically refers to the fine, powdery material derived from coir fibers. It is a byproduct of coir fiber manufacturing and is mostly used as a growth medium and soil amendment.

    Cocopeat is a natural product derived from coconut husks and a byproduct of coconut. It is free of any weeds, seeds, and other contaminants. In addition, as cocopeat is a natural alternative to mined peat moss, it helps to reduce peat extraction from mother earth. Manufacturing and using cocopeat poses no threat or harm to ecological systems, making cocopeat an environmentally friendly commodity.

    Cocopeat is capable of retaining nutrients well and delivering them to the plants over time, as it has excellent absorbent characteristics.

    Coconut plants that grow near coastal locations and harsh water sources naturally have high EC levels. It is common practice to soak coconut husk in sea water before spinning coconut fiber yarn although such cocopeat is not suitable for plant growth. With the use of innovative technologies, it is now possible to turn the husk into fiber yarns without soaking it in water, making it ideal for plant growth. our factory is located inland, (average elevation of 293 metres (961 feet)) there is far less salt in the ground than regions closer to the coast, meaning that the coco peat we use has a significantly lower level of Sodium Chloride. We only use fresh water to wash our coir. We also take care to treat the coco peat when it is being used to grow plants which require a very low EC level.

    Coco chips, also known as coconut husk chips or coir chips, are a type of growing medium made from the fibrous material present in the outer layer of coconut husks. Coco chips are frequently used in horticulture and gardening as a more sustainable alternative to peat moss and other traditional growing mediums.

    Buffering is the process of soaking washed coco peat in a calcium nitrate solution before washing again with fresh water in order to remove unwanted salts such as Na, Cl, K, Bo from the mix. The pH of cocopeat is somewhat acidic, which may not be suited for many plants. Buffering is the process of altering and keeping the pH of cocopeat within a specific range, typically slightly acidic to neutral, to provide optimal plant growth circumstances. Gardeners and growers can create a stable and suitable environment for plants by buffering cocopeat, enabling healthy root growth and nutrient uptake.

    To reduce the EC level, the cocopeat is washed with clean, natural spring water, and such cocopeat is known as Washed Cocopeat. Unwashed cocopeat is the natural raw form of the product, which has a greater EC level.